Personal Training & Nutrition Intake

Family Health History

Member Age if living State of Health Age at death Cause of death or poor health concerns

Check Disease(s) Known To Have Occurred in the Family

About yourself

If stopped, how long since you quit?
If stopped, how long since you quit?
If stopped, how long since you quit?

Past History

Have you had or do you have any of the following ?

Serious illnesses as a child: (Check appropriate one(s))

For Women
For Men

Please use this space to write in any other important health considerations you may have. The more specific, yet descriptive, your information is the more we will be able to help you.

For all clients

Performance Training Center does

Strength, Power and Performance Conditioning.

Comprehensive Structural Assessments and Program Designs.

Corrective and Restorative Exercise.


440 Upas Street. Unit 104
San Diego. CA, 92103